I have been privileged to be a creative part of developing and marketing over 20 subdivisions that I am pleased to say are all successful. To take a piece of raw land and develop it to the point that I can hand the keys to someone’s new home is totally gratifying.
In over 40 years as a Real Estate Broker, I have never been more excited as to see how technology is opening our world to possibilities never imagined in my lifetime. The speed at which we can now get the information needed to do a better job for our clients is intoxicating. And the best is yet to come.
I am grateful to have been drawn to the opportunity of develop Hill TX Real Estate Group, a cloud-based real estate company specializing in the land niche. This innovative group leverages cutting-edge tools and technology to expose land listings to buyers across the globe. Just as Netflix’s streaming technology revolutionized the video rental industry and disrupted Blockbuster’s business model, Hill TX Real Estate Group is transforming the real estate landscape. In just a few years, this pioneering company has grown exponentially, proving that its forward-thinking approach delivers remarkable results.
My mission is to attract the people that most need to see how this business model can make a life changing difference in their business and personal lives!
The future of Real Estate is fully packaged for you to use right here, right now!
MLS Compliance Statements
Brian J Everhard – Designated Managing Broker – TX